Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Samurai Jack season 2 (2002)

This season has Jack looking for time portals, so he can return to his own past and undo the evil that is Aku.  In the first episode he was thwarted by not being able to jump high enough to reach the portal Aku was holding.  At the end of the episode he surprised Aku, since he had learned to jump real high.  He has also met the Scotsman again, and has battled robotic versions of himself.  There are a lot of other enemies and friends to encounter along the way of his quest.
I remember a bit more about this season than the previous one, but that is still not a lot of memories.  I am enjoying the show quite a lot.  Itto Ogami and his son even made an appearance in a flashback to Jack's past.  I sure didn't remember that cameo.  I am looking forward to the rest of this season, as I am only about a third of the way through right now.  I am sure glad they wrapped up the show in season five.


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