Saturday, August 5, 2023

Batman and Superman Generations 2 (2002)

This is a great continuation of the first series,  This time it takes place in eleven year increments, and features other heroes and their successors.  It includes things from the first series, but also shows more histories and such.  It even shows the past, how Martha and Thomas Wayne went into that alley knowing they were going to die.  It works for an imaginary tale, but come on, in real life that wasn't gonna happen.  Somehow I think Bruce Wayne would have become Batman even had his parents lived.  Maybe he would be a little more balanced, though.  I am sure someone has written the imaginary story about his parents living and him still become Batman.

Byrne's art is always better when he is enjoying what he is doing.  He has done his homework, and I really liked the idea that the Guardians just let their agents believe the rings had a weakness.  I think the yellow weakness has been done away with these days, and I am all for that.  I like legacy heroes, and one can always go back and write about the originals.

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