Wednesday, December 8, 2021

MOTW- Red King


Nearly everyone loves Red King.  He's been a super popular monster, showing up twice in the first Ultra series and then many times later one.  He's tough, and cool looking, but really kind of stupid.  He's seems to be the blueprint for Toho's Gigan, who has many similar qualities.  I've never seen the appeal of the kaiju that many fans do- I like him, but prefer Gomora as the kick ass monster of the series.  Perhaps if I had seen him at a younger age I would put him in the top five of monsters.

This episode is packed with monsters, some of which we will see in later episodes.  I am not couting the Saflan plant, though.  It doesn't strike me as a real monster.  It is a fun episode though, and one of my favorites.  Why is he called Red King when there isn't a speck of red on him (aside from blood, occasionally)?

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