Monday, December 13, 2021

Avengers: Endgame (2019)


This movie feels like the end of an era.  I have enjoyed the "Fourth Phase" movies and shows, but they don't have the same feeling all these movies do.  I know they had no idea how big these movies would get, but I am glad they went for it.  Thanos makes a great "big bad" since he also has the power to challenge all the heroes at once.  They even made time travel work (for the most part).  I had not remembered Loki actually causing the variant to happen.  I thought they played fast and loose with that bit.  I should have known better.  I was not one that got weepy at all the people getting killed in this movie.  It was more the little touches that got me.  Tony talking to his father, Thor talking to his mother, things like that.All in all, it was a very satisfying ending to the cycle.  Can Marvel- should Marvel even try to do something like this again?  I guess time will tell.  I don't think it will happen the same way, nor should Marvel even try to do it again like this.  This is a once in a lifetime sort of thing, and I am happy I was able to witness this.  I kinda wish I could tell 10 year old me the Avengers would be done justice on the big screen.

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