Friday, December 3, 2021

Hawkeye 03- Echoes


Kate shows Clint a costume to help his "brand".  Guess what it looks like.  Yep, the classic costume.  Maybe she will design the short lived blue outfit next.  Of course, Hawk acts like it is the most ridiculous thing he has ever seen, which is kinda sad.  At least Elizabeth Olsen has mentioned how much she enjoyed wearing Wanda's classic costumer in her miniseries.  WandaVision for the win again!  Anyway, this was a fun episode.  There is a lot more action and the car chase involves a lot of arrows, including one that has the PYM label on it.  Wonder where Clint got that arrow?  The Tracksuit Mafia is given some background, and I know nothing of them.  Kate hasn't figured out that Clint was the Ronin, or she has and is respecting Clint for not admitting it.  It all ends with Jack (The Swordsman) introducing himself to Hawk.

This episode was about 46 minutes or so, which is a far easier time to manage than the near hour episodes.  Clint had his hearing aid smashed.  I missed if he has one in each ear.  I only saw one, which is a bit unusual.  We did see how he had hearing loss happen, though.  I hope the rest of the series is as fun as this episode.

Next - Spider-man!

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