Wednesday, March 2, 2022

MOTW- Bullton


This is probably the strangest monster and episode of Ultraman in this original run. It is rather indescribable, to see the least.  It is not really a creature, but it is sentient to some degree. It also can alter reality, or the perception of reality to other beings around it.  Things are never what they appear while this odd thing is around.  Even Ultraman is not immune to the power of Bullton.  The first time I watched this episode I had no idea how it could be stopped.  Ultraman did manage to do it, but this is one strange, strange episode.

It was found by Sir Yesterday, or at least the first part.  It is kind of a screwball episode, and Bullton was named after surrealist artist Andre Breton, who also inspired the Dada aliens.  Surreal is a good word to describe the episode, for sure.  Bullton would later appear in the Ultra Galaxy series, causing similar mischief.

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