Thursday, March 10, 2022

Peter and Medusa?


The last four or five episodes of the Spider-Man 1981 cartoon series were the best of the bunch.  My favorite one was Spider-Man battling the Wizard (what is with the FF villains showing up in the show?) with a Medusa being threatened by a control collar.  Peter is really taken with Medusa, and she with him.  Now, generally, Medusa is scornful of most humans, but in this version she and Peter had a real chemistry.  It even had the sweetest ending, with May telling Peter he was mooning like he was in love.  It is too bad there wasn't another season, though I doubt there would have been as much continuity as this story like would need.

There is a bit of continuity throughout the Dr. Doom stories, which is nice.  They even use some of the supporting cast that surrounded Doomsy in the comics at the time.  Had this been able to have some actual fights it would have been a lot more fun, though it is not bad at all.  I do wonder how Black Bolt would have reacted to this.  Medusa does mention the Great Refuge during this episode.

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