Thursday, March 31, 2022

Moon Knight 01- The Goldfish Problem

Mild mannered Steven Grant, a "gift shoppist" at some museum in England, is not sleeping well.  He also knows his Egyptian deities.  He tries various means to keep himself in bed at night, but nothing seems to work.  He has vary unusual dreams as well, like he is in a different country as a mercenary.  He also hears voices in his head.  To top it all off, he has gotten involved with a cult of Ammit.  Perhaps he has not been dreaming at all...

I had forgotten when this show was going to start.  Good thing I am watching the 90s Spider-Man cartoon and noticed the first episode of Moon Knight had been released.  I have not kept up with the character in ages, though I did read his debut story and read the first several issues of his comic book.  He was very much a Batman clone at that time, with a trusted aide and lots of money.  He had at least four separate identities, if you count the costumed one.  The reader was never quite sure which one was the real person, though I think we all thought it was not the cabbie.

I wasn't sure about how much I'd like this show, but I was interested by the middle.  I like the use of Egyptian deities, since they are rarely used much.  Let's see how good the Fist of Honshu is.

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