Wednesday, March 30, 2022

MOTW- Hydra


The death of a young boy triggers the monster Hydra.  The beast attacks many cars, probably killing a lot of drivers as well.    The boy, Akira, had been killed by a reckless driver, and somehow managed to make a statue of the monster come to life to take revenge.  The Science Patrol tries to stop the creature, but to no avail.  Ultraman shows up, and is about to finish Hydra off with his Spacium Beam, but the ghost of the dead boy shows up and he lets the monster go.  No one questions all the havoc that had been caused at all by the monster.

This is one odd episode, and not one of my favorites.  It is a common story with various Ultra shows returning to that theme, and Space Giants did a similar one as well.  At least that one had Rodak being the villain, mostly.  The Hydra statue is in an actual park, and it shows up in many other shows as well.  I would visit the place to see the statue if I ever visited Japan.  It's a cooler statue than a monster.

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