Wednesday, June 22, 2022

MOTW- Zambolar


Zambolar is a heat projecting monster.  It was awakened by land developers and burned down everything that was around it.  The intense heat made it hard to deal with, but Ultraman and the Science Patrol finally managed to stop it.  Yet another creature that had to be destroyed due to the destructive force it possessed.   It had been near a chemical plant which would have caused a lot of damage had it exploded (there are plenty of cities in the US that can affirm this sort of thing as well).
Some of these episodes are pretty sad if you think too much about it.  I suppose most people don't think monsters need to be protected, or at least, they didn't think of it back then.  The fiery effects are cool though.  Zambolar would show up again in Ultraman Powered in a pretty good episode.

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