Monday, April 3, 2023

Cosmic Encounter original version, 1977


This game originally came out in 1977.  I saw it in the back of what almost certainly was Starlog, but I am not 100% sure now.  It looked and sounded cool, so I asked for it for some kind of holiday present.  I got it, and it was cool, but the rules were kind of hard to understand, and it was not a game like Monopoly.  There were no cool pieces of aliens, nor ships to use.  That was kind of a bummer.  I did get to play the game a few times, but it was not easy to do.  Also, finding fellow players wasn't easy, and the game needed at least three players, which is one more than my brother and I had most of the time.

I still have the box and most of the game, but the directions are long gone.  In doing some research about the origins of the game, I was pleasantly surprised to see it is still around and going strong.  I may get one of the updated versions.  Perhaps in my now old age I will understand it better.  I should retrieve some of my drawings that I made for my quickly disregarded comic version.  I had two sides at war.  It could have been fun.

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