Monday, April 10, 2023

Godzilla 1980


I remember seeing this poster- and it was gigantic- at San Diego Comic Con sometime in the 90s.  I had never seen it before.  This was before the internet, so I had know idea what this movie actually was.  I figured it wasn't a heretofore unknown Godzilla movie, but back then, you just didn't know for sure.  I wish I had taken a picture of that poster back then, but alas, digital cameras were not a thing back then.  I think the price was about $80, and that was far too much money for this fan.  I kind of wish there had been a new Godzilla movie made in 1980.  There had been several attempt made, but none of them came to fruition.

It is a nifty poster though Godzilla is far too large for that city.  It did turn out to be the French poster for Godzilla vs. Megalon.  I am not sure if this one is quiite as misleading as the US poster, but it is close.  I wonder if people felt ripped off after seeing the movie.  I know I was a bit disappointed to find out there was no scene in the movie with the monsters on the Twin Towers.  I figured out why the poster looked that way pretty quickly, though.


Don Moore said...

Nice post, and Happy Birthday!

X7 said...

thanks Don!