Monday, June 19, 2023

Cyborg 009 (1966)


Joe Shimamura has an awful race car accident... but it was engineered by Black Ghost.  They turn him into a cyborg, and introduce him to the eight other cyborgs they have created.  The cyborgs rebel and escape, along with Professor Gilmore and vow to battle Black Ghost to the end.  They actually do defeat Black Ghost, but also promise to reunite if any form of the evil group shows up again. Once upon a time, I ordered a DVD from Hong Kong (thanks, eBay) and it was supposed to have both of the Cyborg 009 movies on it.  It only had the second movie, which was great.  It took me years to find this one, and it was a fan sub available from the glorious Internet Archive.  It only 62 minutes, but it is great.  It was a big success, followed by the second movie, and then the 26 episode cartoon series.

Created by Shotaro Ishinomori, he would later gain far more success with Kamen Rider.  That follows a similar plot, though there were fewer superheroes.  At least at first.

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