Saturday, June 24, 2023

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur 13- Devil on Her Shoulder


IN WHICH Devil, upset at being too big to help Moon Girl out properly sulks.  Lunella invents a Tincture of Tininess and gives him a drop to become human sized for a day.  Devil enjoys his new size so much that he wants to stay that way for a longer amount of time.  To do this, he takes more of the Tincture.  This causes him to start shrinking even more.  Just in time for Torg shows up to wreck havoc on the town, since he was unhappy with his portrayal in the new movie.  Lu contacts Dr. Bill (Giant-Man 2) Foster about reversing the effect.  Devil returns to his regular size, and battles Torg until they become friends.

FINALLY, a Devil-centric episode.  It was fun and silly, and Devil got to learn the lesson.  I am not sure if this is the same Bill Foster from the MCU, but it was a nice connection, none the less.  I am even more convinced that Rockin' Rudy is someone Lu knows.  Casey and Lu's reaction to tiny Devil is hilarious.

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