Sunday, June 18, 2023

Sven- Curse of the Demon


"Dana Andrews said prunes gave him the runes, and passing them used lots of skills..."

Dr. Julian Karswell runs some kind of church or something, and wants to stop an investigation of a different death.  This ends up killing Dr. Harrington right before his friend Dr. Holden shows up.  The charming Karswell passes Holden a parchment giving him three days to live.  The challenge is now on to figure out how to stop the Curse of the Demon in the night!

Sven apparently aired the US cut, which just baffles me.  Why wouldn't they air the 96 minute version?  In 2.5 hours there is plenty of time.  The movie sure moves along quickly though.  It is just that great a movie.

Count me as one of the Demon supporters- it being shown in the movie, that is.  I think it was always planned to be shown, and Tournier later said it wasn't.  We will never know.  It is one of the most iconic horror image ever, though.  Scared me as a kid, just seeing the poster.

next- Fiend Without a Face!

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