Saturday, January 20, 2024

Astro and the Space Mutts


From wiki- Astro and the Space Mutts features Astro, the family dog from The Jetsons. He teams up with two other dogs named Cosmo and Dipper, led by their human leader Space Ace. Together, the trio act as galactic police officers and travel through outer space. Don Messick reprised his role as Astro.  Somehow they manage to foil whatever villain they are up against.  They even help out the real heroes of the show a few times.Even in 1981 I thought this was the weak link in the Space Stars program.  I don't remember watching a single episode of it back then.  Now, I think it works pretty well.  The dogs are dumb, but not incompetent.  I really dislike the hero that is a boob and needs help to accomplish anything.  Ace is not bad, either.

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