Wednesday, January 31, 2024

HOTW- Dynamo


From Wiki- Dynamo – Leonard Brown wears the Thunder Belt, which makes him super-strong and invulnerable for thirty minutes. Going past the time limit puts a great strain on his body. Due to this, a safety measure was implemented in the belt that causes it to automatically turn off after thirty minutes.  Brown's code name is Dynamo, but none of the agents have secret identities.  He isn't the sharpest thinker, but he is a capable agent.  Len also has none of the alleged secret agent's ability to be suave and debonair with women, either.  Just ask the sort of evil Iron Maiden!

I discovered the T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents in the mid-70s.  I am assuming that one of my friend's older siblings had a copy in their stack of old comics.  I wish I had asked these friends if they still wanted them.  Anyway, discovering a new superhero team from a completely different comic book company floored me.  Fortunately I was finding out about comic book centered magazines, and found out more about both the company and the series.  I still really like the Agents.

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