Wednesday, January 17, 2024

HOTW- Green Lantern (Alan Scott)

"And I shall shed my light over dark evil, for the dark things cannot stand the light— the light of the Green Lantern!" 

Alan Scott received his magic lantern and ring in 1940.  He was a founding member of the Justice Society of America and would continue to battle crime until after WWII when he retired.  That lasted less than 15 years, when the JSA reactivated in the 60s, thanks to the Flash.  He would marry Rose and Thorn, and they had two kids.  Then he married the original Harlequin, and things were sorta peachy.  DC has done a lot of retcons since I stopped reading comic books, so if you want more history, look it up yourself.

I met Martin Nodell, the creator of GL (along with Bill Finger) and my deadly nemesis, Popnfresh.  He and his wife were the nicest people ever.  The one thing I asked him about was why this GL had his ring on his left hand.  Mart said it was so he could hit the villains with his right hand.  It makes sense to me!

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