Wednesday, February 22, 2023

HOTW- Ant-Man, Giant-Man, Goliath, Yellowjacket, Dr. Pym


From Wiki-

Biochemist Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym discovers an unusual set of subatomic particles he labels "Pym particles". Entrapping these within two separate serums, he creates a size-altering formula and a reversal formula, testing them on himself. Reduced to the size of an insect, he becomes trapped in an anthill before he eventually escapes and uses the reversal formula to restore himself to his normal size. Deciding the serums are too dangerous to exist, he destroys them.[6] Shortly afterwards, he reconsiders his decision and recreates his serums. Pym's experience in the anthill inspires him to study ants, and he constructs a cybernetic helmet that allows him to communicate with and control them. Pym designs a costume made of unstable molecules to prevent bites or scratches from the ants and reinvents himself as the superhero Ant-Man.[7]

I never read a lot of Ant-Man when I was young.  This isn't surprising, since Hank was Yellowjacket most of that time.  I didn't see him as Goliath or Giant-Man, either.  I was there when he went mental the second time, and then the third time.  Marvel in the 70s and 80s sure didn't like married couples, aside from the Richards.  I felt bad for the Pyms, which turned me off on tragedy for tragedy's sake comic books.  Sure, couples have quarrels, but not all of them will end in divorce or death.  Except in comic books, apparently.

Anyway, when Scott Lang took on the mantle of Ant-Man, that was fun. 

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