Friday, March 5, 2021

Jet boots!


I've been watching Marine Boy episodes again, and boy howdy do they look great.  It's nice that they are about 25 minutes long.  That makes the episode move at a good pace, rather than fast pace a shorter episode would entail.  They are a lot of fun.  I wonder if Marine Boy has any kind of "real" name, since he is only referred to as Marine Boy.  By everyone.  Including his father!  Perhaps his name is Marin, which sounds like Marine.  The world may never know, and the world will wonder why I think about such things, I am sure.

He uses his jet boots both as a means of propulsion and sometimes to confuse his enemies.  But why doesn't he shoot backwards when he does that?  Of course, his boomerang wouldn't work the way it does underwater either, so some things you just have to accept at face value.  I mean, is Neptina the only mermaid in the world?

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