Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Super Scary MOTW - Kumonga


Let's face it, spiders are scary to most people.  It's sad, as they are truly beneficial creatures.  However, a spider that is the same size as Godzilla would be truly terrifying.  Kumonga was the ostensible villain of 1967's Son of Godzilla, simply because it was hungry.  It did seem a bit belligerent towards Godzilla, though it might have been cranky from being woken from a nap.

Kumonga apparently lived on Solgell Island before the experiments enlarged the Kamakiras.  It was underground at the time, so those should not have affected it.  It's called Aspiga, Spiga or Spigon in various dubs.  It is some kind of strange mutant, since it produces webs from it's mouth, which is not the way most spiders do it.

It later showed up for a cameo in Destroy All Monsters and 2004's Godzilla: Final Wars. The marionette being used in this first movie is amazing.  Kumonga looks like it has mass, and moves properly.  CGI was used in Final Wars and looks OK for the most part.

I like spiders when they are outside eating bugs, or in NYC fighting crime.

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