Wednesday, April 20, 2022

MOTW- Jamila


This is possibly the saddest of all the original Ultraman stories.  The astronaut Jamila has returned to Earth, but he has been changed into a gigantic creature.  He is out to exact revenge on the Earth for this happening to him.  Ultraman does his duty and stops him, but this does kill the man inside the monster.  Somehow water is the monster's weakness.  This all happens in the far off year of 1993 (per the headstone on the grave).Jamila is a great looking monster.  He reappears in Ultraman Powered with a very similar story, but they added a daughter to the mix.  This episode is directed by Akio Jissogi, so you know what to expect with his style.  The US dub is pretty true to the story, and of course, the headstone places the series in 1993.  I am sure they didn't expect the Ultra series to last that long.  The story is quite tragic.

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