Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The Cat Who Went to Paris (1991)


I received this book as a birthday present.  It is by Peter Gethers, and it explains in how cats can change a life in a mere 195 pages.  Norton is a Scottish Fold, which, like my torties, is a mutation of a cat.  The ears have a fold, which makes them look a bit like a great horned owl.  They are a popular breed due to the lovely disposition they have.  I don't know that I have ever met one myself, but I am sure I would love them.  Side note- I have decided to lean into the crazy cat man life, since I've just been in denial about it anyway. There is no reason to pretend any more.
OK, back to the review.  as far as I can tell, this is a biography of Norton and an autobiography of Mr. Gethers.  He starts out the book by saying he hated cats.  Then came Norton, who became his constant companion.  At the time the book was written, Norton was seven years old.  I doubt he is still with us, but I would hope he had a long and wonderful life, and Mr. Gethers has had several more cats in his life.  

Cats are wonderful.

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