Wednesday, April 6, 2022

MOTW- Kemlar


This rather cute muppet like creature is quite dangerous, as it can spew toxic vapor that kills and blinds most everything it comes in contact with.  The death of pigeons leads the Science Patrol into the area.  Kemlar is known to them, and they know it only has one weakness: a small spot on its back.  This is protected by a carapace, which also protects the monster's face.  It is a tricky thing to defeat this beast, but our heroes do manage to stop it.

Kemlar was a reformulated Gavadon suit, which is from Baragon.  That suit sure did a lot of work!  Kemlar would return for the second episode of Ultraman Powered, with much brighter colors.  It is one of the monsters you kind of feel sorry for, since it was dangerous on purpose.  It really is kind of cute as well.

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