Sunday, April 3, 2022

Sven- Werewolf of London (1935)


This was Universal's first werewolf movie, and it's closer to The Mummy (1932) than the next werewolf movie they would make.  The werewolf lore is a bit different, involving a flower that would cure a person of their "werewolfery".  Everyone know there is only one way to kill/cure a werewolf.  The first time I saw the movie the whole flower thing mystified me.  It wasn't even called wolfsbane!  This word (werewolfery) is never heard again in any movie, which is not really a bad thing.  It is a good movie though, and one that is very low key overall.

The werewolf makeup is also rather understated.  Lore has it star Henry Hull didn't want his face completely obscured, which caused the original design to be changed.  We also get to see a werewolf talk at the end of the movie.  I like that.  The cast is quite good, and Sven did make mention of Warner Oland playing Charlie Chan more than once.

Next week: The Wolfman (April appears to be werewolf month)!

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