Friday, April 8, 2022

Yule Cat (2017)

Got this lovely book today.  It is based on the Icelandic legend of the Yule Cat, who would devour children who didn't get new clothes at Yuletide.  This books tones down that legend quite a bit, making it much funnier and cuter.  The gist of the book is the Yule Brothers have to give the Yule Cat his yearly bath, since he is old and happy to do a lot of nothing all the time.  The book is by Brian Pilkington, and is full of humorous illustrations.  You don't even have to go to Iceland to get a copy!

The origin of the Yule Cat legend is murky, as it earliest references of it only date back to the 19th century.  Iceland was very agrarian back then, and is still cold, so children had to help out in making clothes.  It could make a terrifying movie, though.  At this time the Yule Cat is a beloved beast in Iceland, so perhaps a scary movie might not fly.

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