Thursday, September 22, 2022

Enjoy Ken Films Inc

Long before there was home video, there were 8mm home movies.  They came in several versions, 8mm, Super 8mm and 16mm.  I owned several of the 8mm versions.  The two main companies were Ken Films Inc and Castle Films.  Since Ken Films Inc had the Godzilla and other Japanese movies, I preferred their movies.  There were other companies that made these versions, but K-Mart did not have carry their catalogs.   One could see them in the various monster magazines, like the Harryhausen Sinbad and Jason movies, but those were rare.  I don't know why Columbia didn't get the love that some of the other movies did.  I did find a bunch at the local library, and watched all kinds of unusual movies.  The library never had any Japanese movies, though.

Just as well, as those might never have gotten returned.  Those 11 minute digests were anywhere from $8-$10, and the shorter ones were $3 to $5.  That is a lot more than most DVDs and even some Blu Rays these days.  Still, it was nice to own actual film of a movie you loved.  Picking what movie you wanted to get was also a gamble.  I was generally happy with my choices, though I kind of wish I could have gotten some of the color versions.

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