Monday, September 26, 2022

Xenorama #44 cover

I don't think that the subject of this issue will be a surprise- it is all about the Spider!  Well, Spider-Man, the Spider will show up in a later issue.  This issue will feature nearly all of Spidey's appearances in movies, television shows and cartoons from the 60s to the 80s.  There will be a second issue covering the movies and some of the cartoons from the 90s on.  These are the ones I saw growing up, so they do have a sentimental value for me, more than some of these newer ones.  However, with Spider-Man I have a deep attachment to the hero himself, I tend to enjoy most everything he has appeared in, to some extent.  The caveat being I have not read any new comics for twenty years.  I have looked through them, but bleah, overall.  I sure miss fun comic book stories.I really enjoyed a lot of those cartoons that I haven't seen in ages.  They were way better than I remembered.  I hope there are no typos on this cover (good thing my wonderful proofreader Bryan will let me know, if so) this time!  The next issue may or may not feature the second thirty years of Spider-Man, but we will see.

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