Friday, September 30, 2022

She-Hulk 07- The Retreat


IN which Jen goes to visit Emil (The Abomination) because his inhibitor is malfunctioning.  Man-Bull and El Aguila wreck her car and she is stuck at the Blonksy Retreat.  Emil tries to help her, but all Jen wants is a signal to see if "Josh" is going to text her back.  Spoiler: He does not.  However, the gang of wanna be villains, including the Wrecker, the Porcupine and Saracen (who may or may not be a vampire, he doesn't sparkle in the sun) are in the only place that gets a bar of signal.  Jen gets drawn into their therapy session.  There they help her come to terms with her neediness to hear from this man she had been on three dates with and also help her realize she is just a great a person as Shulkie is.  It is a good thing, since once she finds out what this douche Josh was doing I have a feeling we may see the SAVAGE She-Hulk for the first time.

I gotta say, this episode was fun.  I never thought that I would see a live action Porcupine.  Ever.  And here we are.  I also thought the whole thing might be a set up for the Big Bad, but was pleasantly surprised that the gang genuinely cared for Jen.  I like being surprised like that.  The big bad is called Hulkking, and I am wondering what General Ross is up to these days.  We could see a Red Hulk at some point in the next two episodes.  I hope it is not an army of hulks.  Boring.  No Daredevil yet this week.

I guess three dates is the threshold for sex.  Huh.

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