Friday, November 26, 2021

MOTW- Guesra


Poor Guesra.  It lives the dream of eating chocolate and cacao for sustenance. The beast came from South America and got mutated by polluted water in Tokyo Bay,  That caused it to grow large and dangerous, as it swamped boats looking for food.  This naturally brings the Science Patrol and Ultraman around to stop it.  The smuggler Diamond Kick (what a great name) is also around, along with three or four kids.  It all works pretty well in the episode.  Still, you feel sorry for Guesra, since all it wanted to do was eat.  It was not its fault it became a giant menace and had to be stopped.  Ultraman does this by ripping the feeler off Guesra's head.  This causes it to weaken and die.  It's really Diamond Kick's fault, since he fired on the monster, and loud noises make it violent.

This isn't my favorite episode, but I enjoy it more than some of the others.  Guesra has returned to the Ultra series in the last several years.  I think I have seen one of the movies it is in.  I know that it's easy to think of Ultraman as some kind of mean monster killer, but that is looking at the series through modern eyes.  Back then it was important to see monsters fighting Ultraman.  Later on they realized how bad Ultraman might look to some kids, so they did a few stories about not actually wanting to hurt whatever creature was in the episode.

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