Friday, November 12, 2021

Avengers (2012)


This was the first MCU movie that I saw in the theater.  There were a lot of reasons for this, but I had seen all the other ones, including The Incredible Hulk (2008).  And of course, I had read many Avengers comic books for most of my life.  I was looking forward to this movie.  I had been waiting most of my life to see the Avengers in live action.  It was a couple weeks after the release that I went, but dang, that was a great night, with the movie being pretty great as well- the cherry on the top of the sundae.

I've seen this movie the most out of the MCU films.  Watching it again now, with nearly ten years of other movies, I was surprised by a few things.  Things such as Loki being such a rat bastard. Tom Hiddleston is so good, they had to rehabilitate him by the third Thor movie. I also can't believe they killed Agent Phil Coulson, but I am glad he discovered what a magical place Tahiti is.  I really like Hawkeye and Natasha's friendship, and am really looking forward to the Disney+ series.

I do think the movie is still too damn long, the fight at the end could be trimmed of at least ten minutes with no harm.  When watching the movie at home it makes it a bit easier to take.  I also wish there was a really GREAT theme for the Avengers, something to leave the movie humming.  Next up- Phase 2!

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