Monday, November 8, 2021

Zorro contra Maciste (1963)


This was made right after Hercules and the Masked Rider, and both star Alan Steel.  They also share some of the same scenery.  This one actually does feature Zorro, though it is not Don Diego.  Finding a decent copy of this movie was a chore.  Heck, even finding a bad copy was not easy.  I tracked down a version that had English subtitles, and it has a gorgeous picture.  I've enjoyed all 12 minutes that I have watched so far.  

The story is Maciste getting tricked by the evil princess to make sure she takes over the kingdom, instead of her good sister.  The good sister has Zorro on her side, even if she doesn't know who this masked mystery man is.  I wish I had seen this as a kid.  I am sure I would have really enjoyed it.  There were so many of these Italian movies that had sporadic releases or airings, though this obviously was released to theaters in the US at some point.

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