Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Civil War (2016)


I have never read the comic book version.  Just looking at the cover makes me think it has WAY too many characters in it.  One of the good things about this first run of Marvel movies is that they only had a handful of superheroes to use, whereas the comic books had literally hundreds of these heroes to put in any given story.  This movie uses most of the established characters, and adds T'Challa into the mix.  All the heroes get some good moments.  Baron Zemo- well, Colonel Zemo, is the only real villain (aside from that petok General Ross) and the story is more grounded.  We also get Spider-man's debut (along with Aunt Hottie) and that is great.  The best scene of all is Giant-man showing up in the middle of the day.  I loved that scene.

This movie does not really have a happy ending.  Cap and Tasha are on the run, Scott, Clint, Sam and Wanda are in prison.  Tony's best friend is crippled and no one knows where Thor and Bruce are.  Oh yeah, and Bucky is in suspended animation in Wakanda.  They are going to try to undo Hydra's brainwashing.  This really is an Avengers movie, rather than a straightforward Captain America film, but I understand why it falls under the Cap title.

"I can do this all day."  Love that line in both movies.

Next up: Spider-man: Homecoming

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