Wednesday, May 4, 2022

MOTW- Dorako


Dorako landed on Earth following the odd comet that was passing near the Earth.  It ended up in a three way battle between it, Red King and Guigass (see next week's MOTW).  This poor alien got its wings removed and beat down by both of the Earthling monsters.  It really didn't have a chance.  Dorako would return as a sort of zombie monster in the thrall of Geronimon, this time with hands instead of claws.

With three monsters and Ultraman in one episode, this is one of my favorites.  Red King is still a goof, and gets trisected in this episode by the Shredding Halo.  The Science Patrol runs around like usual.  The macguffin in the story are a set of hydrogen bombs, and finding them before the comet makes them explode.

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