Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Attack of the MOTW- Matango


I saw this movie called Attack of the Mushroom People, in black and white on a Sunday afternoon.  At least, many of us remember seeing it in black and white, though it could have been an older, beat up 16mm print.  When I saw finally saw the full color version I though the monochrome movie was more effective.  And that ending!  I remembered it for many years, even though it never aired again in Colorado.  Thanks, KWGN Channel 2, for scaring the hell out of me!  I didn't like mushrooms before this, and I doubt I have eaten one on purpose since.

The monsters are pretty creepy, and they laugh.  A lot.  Later on the Baltan Seijin would appropriate that same sinister laugh.  The final version of the mushroom people is a little silly, but by then you should be invested in the movie and be just fine with it.  I'm glad it got a fine DVD release.  It's a really effective little horror movie.

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