Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Great Taos Bank Robbery (and other true stories of the southwest)

This is a book my sister wanted me to read.  I'm two stories in and it's well written and so far quite humorous.  The book was originally published in 1973 and contains nine stories and author's notes, all in 173 pages.  The tales range from one page to about thirty.  I've not read any books by Tony Hillerman, but he's a family favorite.    There might actually be more stories, as I see there are a few subtitles after the larger titles.  I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the book.

It's mostly set in New Mexico and the surrounding areas, so I am a bit familiar with that part of the world.  It's rented from the local library, so I will probably finish it before the Holly book. 

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