Thursday, September 23, 2021

7. What If... Thor were an Only Child?

Thank the gods for a lighter episode.  Once again, it's not even remotely a thing that we saw happen; this time Odin does not adopt Loki.  This leads to Thor being an only child and Odin and Frigga being overindulgent parents (this is on them, really, for not paying attention to the spoiled child they were raising).  Odin does the Odinsleep, Frigga goes to visit her sisters, then Thor and company go to Earth to have a party.  A BIG party.  SHIELD thinks it's an invasion and calls Ms Marvel Binary Warbird Captain Marvel back from wherever she's been.  Fights happen until Dr. Jane Foster calls on Heimdall to rat Thor out to Frigga. 

This episode made me laugh the whole time.  There are a lot of cameos from across the MCU, most with their movie voices.  I'm not one bothered by the voices.  Natalie Portman, so miscast in the first two Thor movies, is much better this time.  I hope, hope, HOPE that this bodes well for the new movie.  The writers seem to have figured out her character much better here.  It's not that Portman is a bad actor, but her Jane Foster in those movies was not a good fit for the movies.  

I know the last scene was a throwaway gag, but come on.  It made NO SENSE whatsoever.  How would the Vision have gotten all the Infinity Stones since the Ultron Initiative hadn't even been done yet?  That was stupid and not even needed.

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