Monday, September 6, 2021

Chojin Jetman (1991)


I've heard a lot about this 15th Super Sentai series over the last 30 years (how did that happen, again?) and am now getting around to watching the series.  Shout Factory has all the episodes available to watch here and they look great.  I am really enjoying the show.  It is the first one that actually had a love triangle in it, which I am sure made viewers want to see how that would turn out.  This was the first Sentai show to be directed by Keita Amemiya, and his influence shows.  They don't even have a giant robot battle in every episode, which I am happy about.

There is a Sentai issue of Xenorama in the works, and it will end with this series.  I have reviewed some of the newer shows, but I want to get it out.  I still can't believe this series is out on R1 DVD with English subtitles. 

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