Friday, September 10, 2021

5. What if... Zombies?


I dislike most all modern zombie movies.  I've never seen one yet that I truly liked, since most of them end the exact same way- humanity is doomed or a small band of humans think they escape but really don't.  Seems like there can't be a happy ending if zombies are involved.  And this story holds true to form, just add superheroes.

Once again, this starts off with a premise that has nothing to do with anything- The Wasp is infected with an alien virus while in whatever dimension she is in.  It's not Scott Lang that rescues the infected woman, though.  I get why they did that differently, but it still isn't the "one slight change" that the original series was about.  It's all a downer though.  Especially when it starts with Bruce Banner wanting to warn the Avengers about Thanos.  Nearly everyone is a zombie though, and they then turn Thanos' strikeforce into zombies.  It goes down hill from there.

It's nice to hear most of the voices return again, but this is one grim episode.  That makes three in a row now.  It's getting old.  There are some funny bits in this episode, because this would be nigh unwatchable if some light moments weren't present.

I'm ready for a fun episode now.

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